Tag Archive | myths

FAQ: Aren’t feminists all lesbian man-haters?

Short answer: No. Feminists come from a variety of backgrounds, with a variety of values and opinions, and (among other things) are in no way uniform in their sexual preferences. Some feminists identify as lesbian, some as heterosexual, some as bisexual, some as asexual, etc. As for the “man-hating” moniker, it has more to do […]

Women more prone to depression than men: it’s NOT the fault of feminism

There are however many conservative columnists and pundits generally who’d like us all to believe that lie. Amanda at Pandagon debunks the following common claims (how many have you heard, and more importantly, at least partly believed?): Assertion #1: Women need marriage more than men, and it’s their marriages, not their jobs, that help save […]

Reading roundup

Anita Roddick in memoriam R.I.P., Anita Roddick from kateharding.net by kateharding R.I.P. from The F-Word Blog by zohra moosa Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, has died from Feministing by Jessica Gender Expectations This ev-psych bullshit must stop from Reclusive Leftist by The Ghost of Violet Top 5 Myths About Girls, Math and Science […]

FAQ: Aren’t you all just a bunch of "feminazis"?

The word “feminazi” is a false construction, a strawfeminist, created to scare people away from the juicy crops of equality, equity and the end of female subjugation. (See the “strawman” entry in the Logical Fallacies section at the Critical Thinking Website.) stealthbadger (Stealth Badger): A dudely introduction to feminism (utterly debunks the arguments made to […]

FAQ: Why do you feminists hate men?

Feminists hate misogyny, not men. Kinda like that “hate the sin, not the sinner” thing, sometimes it’s easy to separate the behaviour from the enactor and sometimes it’s not. But we know that not all men are pits of misogyny, so if you aren’t acting out misogyny, then it’s not about you. We also know […]