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Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog was started on Blogger.com in March 2006 and promptly put onto the backburner. It was resurrected in March 2007, and ported over to WordPress.com in May 2007.This blog is an information resource, for both feminists and those questioning feminism, concentrating on typically disruptive questions/assertions which frequently arise in online feminist discussions.

» Read more about the purpose of this blog.

Q: Why no blogroll of feminist blogs?

A: Because there are links galore within the FAQs: you’ll find blogs that most interest you by clicking through on links in topics that interest you already.

Q: Why don’t you make it easier to find the FAQs?

A: Because it is actually quite easy if you read the introduction pages, which are there for a reason. If that’s just not you (but why not?), then you could look at the navigation tabs at the top of the header, or look at the Where To Start module in the right sidebar.


  • Founding Editor: tigtog lives in Sydney, Australia and also blogs personal & political social commentary, science and more at Hoyden About Town and the group ozpolitics blog Larvatus Prodeo.

  • Contributing Editor: tekanji (Andrea Rubenstein) is the founder and editor of Shrub.com and joined FF101 in August 2007 as an occasional contributor. She is currently studying in Japan.

  • Contributor: Melissa McEwan is the founder of the group blog Shakesville (originally Shakespeare’s Sister) and has allowed FF101 to crosspost her Feminism 101 op-eds here. Thank you, Liss.

Because our authors write extensively elsewhere, and FAQs require a certain headspace which comes and goes, this blog is irregularly updated. Please comment freely on older posts, as the issues discussed are ongoing, not just tied to a news cycle.