Tag Archive | victim-blaming

FAQ: What is “slut-shaming”?

Short answer: Slut-shaming, also known as slut-bashing, is the idea of shaming and/or attacking a woman or a girl for being sexual, having one or more sexual partners, acknowledging sexual feelings, and/or acting on sexual feelings. Furthermore, it’s “about the implication that if a woman has sex that traditional society disapproves of, she should feel […]

Feminism Friday: two posts from Jill at Feministe on rape myths vs statistics

Both of these were written in response to an op-ed in the LA Times by Heather MacDonald. Post 1: It’s Only A Myth If You Believe That Those Sluts Were Asking For It This op/ed is one of the most ridiculous I’ve read in a long, long time (and that’s pretty impressive). Heather MacDonald argues […]

Feed the FAQ: “rape apologist” definitions, clarifications and links

I’d like to get some wider input into this one. The suggestion was made that we need a specific FAQ, and I think we do. This was my first take in comments answering that suggestion:

Feminism Friday: Safety vs. Patriarchal Overprotection

Reader Justin wrote and asked me for advice on an ethical balance problem, and with his permission I quote his email: I have a question which has been bothering me for some time, and which may/may not be worth addressing on the site. In any case, its something I don’t feel precisely comfortable asking my […]

FAQ: What’s wrong with suggesting that women take precautions to prevent being raped?

This FAQ has been updated with an addendum 2010-04-27 Short answer: Because it puts the onus on women not to get themselves raped, rather than on men not to do the raping; in short, it blames the victim. [From Grendelkhan, in comments, emphasis added] Why taking precautions doesn’t work Melissa McEwan points out that whether […]